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Archive for the ‘Bible Videos’ Category

Bible Videos

Posted by Paul On December - 6 - 2009

The angel Gabriel, sent from the presence of God, announces to the young Mary her future role as the mother of the child Jesus.

Mary was highly favored of God and chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ. Her humility, devotion, and strength stand as a model for all Christian disciples.

Mary visits her relative Elisabeth, who in her old age will also soon give birth to a miraculous child. The women rejoice together.

Here is a link to some very beautiful videos about Christ ..the Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos will inspire you to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.

….go HERE.

About Bible Videos

The story of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest ever told. The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos will provide you and your family a new and meaningful way to learn about Jesus Christ. The mobile app offers an engaging and interactive way to watch and read key accounts from the New Testament.

These videos are faithful to the biblical account, with scripts based on the King James Version of the Bible. The text also accompanies each video scene.

Watch for new videos to be added monthly as we assemble one of the finest collections of Bible videos in the world.

These free Bible videos are a gift from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They may be used freely by individuals, families, and groups without acknowledgement as long as the terms of use are observed. They are made available to the public solely for the purpose of helping more people understand and appreciate the matchless life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Follow the footsteps of the Savior through the stony paths of Galilee or the narrow streets of Jerusalem, or watch the tragic scenes in Gethsemane, in Pilate’s courtyard, and on the hilltop of Calvary. We hope that you will feel free to share these videos with family and friends the world over.


If you feel that there is something missing in your life – or if you want there to be more – you should check out these videos.  They offer messages of love, hope, and inspiration regardless of your religion – click  HERE.

If you are struggleing in life from abuse, addiction, death, divorce, relationships, mental health, suicide, and many other topics – check out THIS page.

How have you shown courage?