I built this for my oldest daughter Tiffany. It is like the plane my dad trained in for pilot training. I love the color scheme. It is an old Testor’s kit and the decals were a mess. They settled down ok with a lot of Microscale decal solution tho. I rigged it with invisible thread and since there isn’t any cockpit detail – I also included the pilot and student.
Archive for the ‘Showcase’ Category
Battleship Yamato (R/C) – Lots of Pictures
Purchased in 1973 for $60.00, Full radio control, Gold Metal Model #1 photo etch set, Replaced deck with evergreen scribed plastic – original deck is junk, Cast extra deck edge turrets to depict ship during “Ten Go” Operation – last sortie. Contains many 1/200 scale figures from Priser, and many scratch built parts.
Here are photos of the reference books that I used:
There is a complete writeup on this model in the “Reviews” section of my web site – GO HERE.
This is an early construction photo where I tried using bobbins for the turret rotation mechanism – a really bad idea….
These are some construction photos where I was adding the GMM photo etch set #1….
Here you can see some of the Priser figures along with close-ups of various parts of the model
Many years ago – before the photo etch upgrade – running on the local lake:
Photo’s below are after the photo etch and other upgrades.
The Yamato at the 2007 Model Expo in Petaluma
Some pics from the 2008 SVSM Kickoff Classic at the Santa Clara Convention Center where it was on display. I wasn’t entered into the competition as it won an award in 2007.
These are Yamato pics and renderings I got off of the internet….
Here are some b/w pics of the real ship:
Here is some info on uniforms:
Here are some Japanese WWII ship colors:
Here is the Takara 1/700 Yamato that Vlad gave me (what a great friend). As you can see it comes in several parts and you can actually see a lot of details in the hull. There are a lot of parts that I have to add to complete the model. It comes prepainted and for the most part pre assempled – but there are still quite a lot of parts that need to be added. I’m also considering adding a photo etch set from either GMM or Toms.
Here is a very nice computer generated drawing that a friend sent to me:
Feb 7, 2012 Here are some more photos that I have found on the internet: