Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bishop Hobbies

Scale Model Builder

Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

1/70 Soleil Royal Pg 2

Posted by Paul On April - 1 - 2020

This is page 2 of the continuing build log of my 1/70 scale model of the French ship Soleil Royal dating to 1669.

If you want to go back to page 1 – go HERE.

If you want to go to page 3 – go HERE.

If you want to go to page 4 – go HERE.

The finished pictures are HERE.

7/26/2020 Here are some pics to show the latest proogress.  A few days ago, in a moment of insanity, I decided to replicate the hull plank pegs.  Thus I had to drill about 2000 holes in the hull, glue in basswood toothpicks and trim and sand them.  This was followed by a coat of Minwax natural stain.

7/28/2020. Here are some more build photos. The light hull planking is finished with Minwax Natural then Minwax Cherry. I made a plastic pattern to allow me to accuratly drill 2 holes on each side of the gunports for the black nails.  There are about 1200 toothpicks on each side.  That's a lot of holes!!

8/14/2020 A few more photos.  The build has been a ton of fun – such a nice change from plastic models.

8/28/2020 Another update – cannons finished and one is installed and rigged.

9/4/2020 The waist cannons are now finished.

9/13/2020 The upper deck cannons are finished and the first one has been installed.  I'm still waiting for the 2mm single and double blocks I've odered from Syren.

9/18/2020 A few more pictures….

Go to Page 3 click HERE

1/144 2001 Discovery XD1

Posted by Paul On November - 28 - 2019


Here is my model of the Discovery XD1 from the movie 2001: a space odyssey.  The model is made by Moebius and is in 1/144 scale.  I've also added lighting and photo-etch for a little extre punch.  So far it has gone together well – a lot of the appearence will be from the paint job as it is all white with grey highlights.